Salt Marsh’s team of expert advisors have decades of experience leading organizations to superior outcomes. Our team has significant experience and expertise in developing and implementing new processes for organizations of any size. Our team focuses on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities. We are dedicated to ensuring our clients achieve the outcomes and results they need.
Specifically, Salt Marsh can provide:
Strategic Business Planning
Operational Excellence - Internal Process Development, Analysis, and Refinement
Key Performance Indicator Development and Benchmarking
Transition and Succession Planning
Staff Development - Executive Coaching and Leader Development
Salt Marsh’s advisors have delivered over one billion dollars’ worth of facilities to clients across the globe. Our team has managed projects through the entire project lifecycle in “no fail” environments for the US military as well as large scale private developments. In addition to that experience our staff has served as industry thought leaders in the areas of sustainability and lean construction.
Specifically, Salt Marsh can provide:
Land Development and Real Estate Advisory Services
Design Management
Preconstruction Services such as parametric cost estimating and scheduling
Construction Management Services – such as cost and schedule monitoring, quality control and quality assurance
Owner’s Representation Services
With the implementation of the third and final stage of the meaningful use program, incentive payments have long since dwindled, and it’s well past time to realize the benefits that were promised when providers agreed to adopt an EHR. The subject matter experts at Salt Marsh have experienced the dawn and evolution of the EHR right along with you, and they are determined to provide pragmatic, physician-centric solutions that benefit both your patients and your practice.
Specifically, Salt Marsh can provide:
Strategic planning
Process mapping and workflow analysis
EHR implementation
Cybersecurity consultation and management
Chief Information Officer on an as-needed basis
Let’s Get Started…
“Learning new systems and processes is not mandatory... but neither is staying in business.”